Vvedensky Vladychny Convent


Serpukhov, Moscow region


NVX13, NVS05



Serpukhov Vladychniy Vvedenskiy Convent - is a complex of historical buildings presenting a big architectural and artistic whole. Founded in 1360 by the Moscow metropolitan priest Alexey. It is an active Orthodox cloister which tourists and pilgrims flock to all year round.

The aim of the architectural and artistic lighting of the Vladychniy monastery - emphasize the beauty of each building in the complex, form a light ensemble, increase the attractiveness of the building for visitors, while causing no harm to the historical monument.

Within the framework of the project artistic lighting has been added to the facades of the following buildings:

  • Vvedenskiy cathedral, 16th century
  • Church of Georgy the Victor in a refectory case, 16th century
  • The Abbot's building, 19th century
  • Holy Gate with the church gate of Fyodor Ankirskova, 16th century
  • Monastery wall, 18th century
Photo project Photo project Photo project

All of the project aims were fully implemented. The project of architectural and artistic lighting of the monastery was awarded the laureate Euroasian lighting technology prize 'Golden photon'

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